Prrrrrrfect Day

This cat pretty much says it all.   Day after Thanksgiving and all I want is a couch and a Sharpie : )     This is Jasper, plucked from Kostia on Flickr.

As is tradition at our house on Thanksgiving, we did an art project with the cousins.  Previous projects have included handmade snow globes, beaded Christmas ornaments, small decorative Christmas  trees. This year we did ceramic Christmas ornaments with Sharpies.  See our fabulous results below!

It starts with a bowl o' Sharpies

My favorite by Aunt Suzanne

My personal favorite by Aunt Suzanne

My personal favorite by Aunt Suzanne

Emily's spider stocking

Sharpie stockings on the chandalier
Sharpie stockings on the chandelier
Sharpie stockings by Teague, Wil, Jack, Suzanne, Emily, Me, Paige

Sharpie stockings by Teague, Wil, Jack, Suzanne, Emily, Me, Paige

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  1. you must have the greatest collection of sharpies!! can you just go to work and take some home?? i am SO jealous of you. i can’t even explain my love/craziness over sharpies.

    quality stuff, it is. quality and classic.

  2. Pobble Says:

    I’ve been looking for ANY info about how to make Sharpies really, really permanent on glazed ceramic. All I can find is people trying to get ink off of walls. Fools!

    What’s the best anyone’s managed?


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