Sharpie Sighting – Twilight’s Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart signs with Sharpie

Where the stars go, so does Sharpie!

Just as everyone expected, the vampire romance “Twilight” opened like gangbusters this weekend, raking in $70.5 million in ticket sales.    The movie is based on Stephenie Meyer’s novel of forbidden love between vampire Edward Cullen and bookish high schooler Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart.  Stewart signed autographs with a Sharpie at one of the premiers.  While the book was at first considered a teen read, it wasn’t long before word spread and grown women found themselves swooming over the neck-biting romance.    I haven’t read it but I have plenty of friends who have.  Here’s one review:

“Okay, I admit I saw Twilight with my sister today and my heart went pitter patter for Edward. I couldn’t put the book down either! Ah to be a teenager again and in love with a gorgeous vampire!!!!!”

Check out the Twilighters Sharpie Shoe movement. Twilight fans are showing their support with Sharpie!

Sharpie Solidarity

Sharpie Solidarity

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