The patron saint of shoe longevity

Rachel Sutherland

When it comes to fashion, Sharpie is a girl’s best friend.  But hey, why take my word for it when you can turn to a trusted and respected source like Rachel Sutherland.  Rachel is the style editor for the Charlotte Observer and she writes the blog If The Shoe Fits.  Rachel recently wrote a post titled Sharpie Love where she calls Sharpie “the patron saint of shoe longevity.”

Her story starts with the sad demise of her Dansko clogs (Danish shoes with a horse history.  Check out their funny-geeky story here).    Rachel admits even a stiletto girl needs an occasional break from the high altitudes, but when her beloved Dansko’s started to reach the end of their shoe life, Rachel devised a quick rehab scheme, buying up a slew of Sharpies in a variety of brown-ish shades.  Well, dear readers, the story ends with a lot of Sharpie love in the shoe closet.  See the “wild” outcome below.

Rachel's rescued Dansko's

I’ll close with a few of Rachel’s fashion tips:

• You don’t need to spend a million dollars to look like you do.

• No one has to know what size you wear unless you tell them.

• Self-confidence is sexier than any stiletto or tight dress. And it matches everything you own.

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