Sharpie Sighting – Brit Indie Artist Lily Allen

English Indie artist Lily Allen, best known for her hit song Smile, sets more than just music trends with her take on a Chanel t-shirt.  Leave it to Sharpie to give the double-C’s a new punk edge. 

Chanel done Sharpie style

Lily Allen wears Sharpie-styled Chanel

Chic Sharpie

Here’s a thought:  Try this at home and save money for Christmas.   Draw your own Coach or Louis logos on canvas bags, doodle a Ralph Lauren horse or Abercrombie moose on sweatpants, trace your favorite sports teams’ logo on sneakers and backpacks and tote bags.   The possibilities are endless with Sharpie!

Check out Softpedia for more on Lily and her Sharpie’d Chanel. 

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  1. Kate Says:



    Please.. this site has so many cool ideas, but this is not one of them.

    The overall look is cheap and trashy.

  2. Hamish Says:

    You idiots.
    Look at the back of the shirt. Maybe you didn’t notice the “KL” signature. Possibly belonging to Mr. Lagerfield.

    He designed this shirt and drew it himself. He also made another 4 shirts and issued them to various people.
    Lily Allen would not be caught dead in fake Chanel.

    So before you publish that she is trash.. Maybe YOU should do some research.

  3. Susan Says:

    Yikes! Who knew? Apologies to Mr. Lagerfeld, and the always real Lily Allen.


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