Sharpie Sighting – David Beckham

David on the dotted line
David on the dotted line

Don’t know how you could have missed it (since he’s one of the most talked about celeb/athletes ever), but in case you did, Sharpie has a partnership with soccer star David Beckham that includes TV commercials, print ads, and a promotion where you can win a chance to meet him in person (hurry and enter before January 31, 2009).  I was on-site at the TV ad shoot in Los Angeles earlier this year and can I just say he was about as kind and modest a celebrity (did I mention gorgeous) as I have ever met (this includes my former dealings with Punky Brewster, a.k.a. Soleil Moon Frye, Scarlett Johannson, football’s Steve Young, and former President Jimmy Carter, who I personally witnessed work from sun up until sun down building homes for Habitat for Humanity).  Anywho…I posted this picture because I thought you should know that David Beckham really does use Sharpie markers to sign autographs.  I bet he also wears Armani suits and Adidas shoes – who wouldn’t?  These are great brands, just like Sharpie.

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