Sharpie Hearts Diane and her Valentine’s Day Design

Looky looky!  It’s not too late!  Valentine’s Day is tomorrow but there’s still time to do something special for the one you love.  Check out this really cute and really easy DIY Valentine’s Day card.  Just click the template below and print!

You can thank Diane Serrata from Sharpie’s creative services team for this adorable offering.  That’s her posing proudly with her design.  She stayed up late last night making this sweet Valentine because she’s a firm believer in personalization.  None of those store bought cards for Diane (you know how those creative types are.  They want everything to be ORIGINAL ; ) Lucky for us she’s willing to share.  Now grab some Sharpies and get to it!  The clock is ticking…  

I love this design - great work, Diane!


Click to enlarge and print.  Then color in with your favorite Sharpies and you’ve got yourself one sweet Valentine!

Click to enlarge, then print


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1 Comment »

  1. iBobby Says:

    Awesome design miss Diane


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