Sharpie on the shelf at Coldplay recording studio

60 Minutes followed up the three Grammy Awards Coldplay won this past Sunday night with a nice profile piece on the band.   All well and good but eagle eye  Chadsirc, a  Sharpie Susan Twitter follower, spotted Sharpies at the band’s studio.   Seems lead singer Chris Martin uses them to doodle on the piano:

Kroft: You have notes written on the piano?
Martin: Yeah, look, but this is just the beginning. In six months, this will all be covered.
Kroft: And you have to repaint the piano?
Martin: Yeah. When we finish something, we repaint.

Here’s an excerpt, and below is the great shot of Sharpie that appeared in the segment, followed by the full 60 Minutes interview. 



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  1. That was a great by 60mins. So not only do I love their music know I love Chris! I saw that Sharpie but didn’t think to tweet you. I totally will next time!!

  2. Debbie Says:

    I immediately thought of this blog when I watched the interview.


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