Meet the INKterns
Maybe it’s just me, but when it comes to internships, a summer spent learning the ropes at Sharpie sounds prettysweet. Even better, how about a Sharpie social media internship?  Now that’s phat!  (See what happens when you hang out with college students? You start...
Walk this way
I just customize things…I believe in recycling and giving use to things that normally you would throw to waste … That’s how Reavel describes her work, which includes breathing new life into everyday objects like clipboards and sneakers.   She has a special gift for...
Hang out your Sharpie shingle
We had some fun this week over here at Sharpie HQ (not like we don’t have fun every week but this was even funner). To help launch Sharpie’s new “Uncap What’s Inside” campaign (visit and show us your Sharpie stuff), we challenged employees to create...
Sharpie Gets Benched
Sharpie Bench by Alysa This is one of my very favorite things ever created with a Sharpie. It’s a music bench delicately decorated with henna-inspired art. The woman behind this beautiful bench is artist (and cellist) Alysa Sallade (you can see her work on Flickr).  I found Alysa and her bench...
Sharpie fun for kids with diabetes
I think we assume that being a kid is just fun and games 24-7 (which is exactly how it should be!) but for some kids, there’s a little more to it, like the added burden of having to take care of a disease.  Kids with diabetes (adults too, for that matter) often are required to undergo insulin...
Sharpie dress on Buddhagirl
The life of a sculptor, designer and shop owner is apparently a busy one.  See Hazel Colditz below, better known as @BuddhagirlAZ on Twitter, on her cell, taking orders, shaking up the sculpting world. One has to ask, where does she find the time to design Sharpie dresses like the one she’s...