Sharpie fun for kids with diabetes

I think we assume that being a kid is just fun and games 24-7 (which is exactly how it should be!) but for some kids, there’s a little more to it, like the added burden of having to take care of a disease.  Kids with diabetes (adults too, for that matter) often are required to undergo insulin therapy.  In the past, that often meant having parents or caretakers inject them daily with insulin, or even inject it themselves.  Recently, medical science has come up with insulin pumps, a HUGE advance and GIGANTIC help to the kids and their families, not to mention more effective in making sure they get what they need when they need it. 

Insulin pumps deliver rapid- or short-acting insulin 24 hours a day through a catheter placed under the skin.  Insulin pumps mean fewer needle pokes and a lot less hassle!  The only thing is what to do with the insulin pack they have to carry around.  The American Diabetes Association recommends a pump case that can be attached to a waistband, pocket, bra, garter belt, sock, or underwear.   That’s great, but here’s an idea that takes it one step further — an insulin pump case that kids can customize themselves. 


Nicholas (left), and younger brother Nathan (right), both have Type I diabetes, and are big fans of the customizable insulin pump paks from Pump Wear, Inc.

And here’s Nikki at work on hers… 


Smiley faces and flowers - oh my!

I think this is an awesome idea.  I know you will too after you read more about how Draw Pak came to be from Pump Wear Inc. co-founder Julie DeFruscio:


Nathan's brother Nicholas gets in on the fun

  Tell me a little about your business.

Pump Wear Inc. was started by myself and my best friend Dawn Juneau, when my daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and went on an insulin pump. Quickly realizing that products out there for holding the insulin pump were very medical looking, we started a company to fill the need for fun creative ways for my daughter to wear the insulin pump. Pump Wear Inc. is a place where kids are kids and adults just have fun!

How did you come up with the idea?

We were always looking for ways to let children have fun.  We believe in making wearing an insulin pump a positive experience. Kids and adults love to draw and color so why not let them create their very own cases! Each Draw pak is unique to the child or adult and a true original.

How are Sharpie markers incorporated?

We like Sharpie’s because once the drawing is finished the marker stays on nicely no smudging or wiping off a Sharpie! Also the ease of using the Sharpie markers makes drawing on the pak fun and creative. Plus they have lots of fun colors!


Sharpie. Glad we could help!

The Draw Paks benefit everyone who does one, they are able to come up with their very own designs or simply say something they want to say, simply by saying it or drawing it with a Sharpie Marker! All age groups can enjoy the Draw Paks, and the thing that we truly love is that children and adults can just have fun and show their creativity.

Why are Sharpie markers a good fit for this?

Sharpie Markers are reliable, easy to use, and readily available with a large selection of colors to choose from.

Tell us about some of your favorite designs. Why do they resonate with you?

Personally I like the pictures that the kids themselves draw, they are so cute and original!


Nathan and Draw Pak ready for action

What is truly inspirational is that my daughter’s friends enjoy doing the pump cases and they don’t have diabetes! So how great is it for children with diabetes to have friends wanting to create cases like them! Children without diabetes loving products that children with diabetes wear to survive.

Can you tell us a little about how insulin pumps are used why your product is helpful in that process?

Insulin pumps are used to dispense insulin, they are the size of a beeper and worn as life support for children and adults that suffer from type 1 diabetes. Our line of cases are used to hold the insulin pump.

How has this product been received?

The product is new but the feed back so far has been positive. We see this as a growing concept of allowing people the ability to create items themselves.

Do you think you’ll expand the idea to other items?

Yes, we actually have a spin off company called and the Draw Paks are being incorporated into our Birthday Parties where kids can have a party and all do a Draw Pak. They get to walk away with their very own design!

Anything else you’d like to add that I didn’t ask?

Yes, we would just like to thank Sharpie for their continued influx of fun colors and reliable easy markers!


Nathan with his blank canvas Draw Pak and Sharpies. Ready, set, go!

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1 Comment »

  1. Fitz Says:

    Sharpie — I use your products nearly every day at work as a dentist. But I saw this link on a Type 1 Diabetes forum (I’m a Type 1) diabetic — and I had to make a comment. Thank you SO MUCH for helping these children have an improved quality of life. Having diabetes really sucks — especially for kids. Anything that can be done to make their lives more fun or make them feel more like “normal” kids is wonderful.

    Bravo to your company. You’ve just made me a life-long customer.



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