Man in the Mirror


Seems everyone has an opinion about the life and times of Michael Jackson, but there’s one thing we all seem to agree on:  his music, his dancing, his showmanship as a performer and entertainer were captivating and will long be remembered. One thing Michael didn’t lack for was fans and they turned out in droves yesterday at the Staples Center in L.A. I don’t know who was behind it but what an awesome idea to erect a giant billboard on which fans could express their condolenses and remember the King of Pop. Writing down thoughts and feelings can be an important part of grieving.  It’s also a way for fans to feel like their voices are heard and know that they do not mourn alone.

If I were the Jacksons, I would find comfort in strolling the length of the wall and reading through all the words of praise for their talented son, brother and father. Not like they don’t know, but I suspect there will never be enough words to illuminate the light that was Michael Jackson.  





The words will come

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  1. […] Man in the Mirror…  Sharpie Blog […]

  2. Mr Cicada Says:

    Great site-


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