Currently Browsing: Community
Meet the Sharpie Squad
 When it comes to people passionate about Sharpie, we didn’t have to look far. They’re everywhere, just Google! What was hard was deciding who to invite to “represent” and become members of the Sharpie Squad. The Squad is made up of people who talk and teach and tantalize...
Whole Lotta Sharpie Spinnin’ Going On
Check. It. Out. These kids are kool!  They are The Chi-Town Finest Breakers.  According to their dad, Henry Borjas (a popular DJ on Chicago’s westside), they are the world’s youngest professional breakdancers. The group is a brother-sister act made up of B-boy Lil Ozone,...
Sharpie has a blog!
Welcome to the new Sharpie Blog, finally ready for prime time.  It’s hard to believe we’re here, ready to start sharing and talking with all of you, our loyal Sharpie fans.  I admit the last year has been frustrating as we tried to figure out how best to connect with...