Currently Browsing: Holidays
The Sharpie Wrap
Here’s a little idea from a blog named chew ~ If you follow these easy steps, you’ll know just what to do ~ First get yourself a box ~ Then a Sharpie and some mox(y) ~ And soon you’ll be wrapping like this too! Okay, so forget the rap career.  In my next life I’m...
Prrrrrrfect Day
This cat pretty much says it all.   Day after Thanksgiving and all I want is a couch and a Sharpie : )     This is Jasper, plucked from Kostia on Flickr. As is tradition at our house on Thanksgiving, we did an art project with the cousins.  Previous projects have included...
Holidays, Sharpie Style
The holidays are always such a busy time, who has time to THINK?   As you head into Thanksgiving’s Big Sleep (compliments of turkey’s tryptophan and a day spent on your feet in the kitchen), kick back, relax, and enjoy this delightful little holiday video.  Pop artist...
A Sharpie Thanksgiving
Okay, I’m not sure where this came from but it’s on in the History section.  Back in the early 60’s when Sharpie was first introduced, Johnny Carson and Jack Parr from the Tonight Show were some of our first product endorsers.  So I think that’s where the...
Every little peace matters
Emma's Peace Thought I’d get a jump on the holidays with this card created by Emma, age 6.  Emma’s “Pees on -th” card (translation:  Peace on Earth) is part of the  One Million Peace Signs project on Flickr.   Check out the group’s website...
Jessica Simpson Uncapped
Click Here While you relaxed over the weekend, Sharpie markers were hard at work.  For the Sharpie that never sleeps, each Monday we will post images of your Sharpie Sightings.  Send us a photo (jpeg) of Sharpie in action, doing what Sharpie does best out in the world (Write Out Loud!) and...